Author's Guidelines for Extended Abstract

  • The extended abstract must be written in British English language
  • The submitted manuscript must adhere to the guidelines and formatting established
  • Manuscripts that do not comply with the formatting will be returned to the author for correction
  • Font type: Arial
  • Must not exceed 3 pages (including graphs, images and tables)
  • The total word count of extended abstract should not exceed 1000 words
  • The full term for which an abbreviation or acronym stands should precede its first use unless it is a standard use or unit of measurement
  • The Turnitin should not exceed 20% (primary resources max. 2%).


  • Size of the font (Arial)
    • Title: 14.0 point
    • Authors list: 12.0 point
    • Affiliations: 11.0 point
    • Corresponding author's email: 11.0 point
    • The main text of abstract: 12.0 point
  • Single-line spacing and aligned “justified”
  • Margins for left, right, top and bottom should be 2.54 cm (1 inch)


  • All extended abstracts should follow the structured format; with the subheadings of
    • Summary (max. 100 words)
    • Keywords (5 keywords)
    • Introduction (max 150 words)
    • Materials and Methods (max 150 words)
    • Results and Discussion (max 300 words)
    • Conclusion (max 50 words)
    • Acknowledgments (optional)
    • References (max 5 references)

Figures and tables

  • Maximum of 3 figures that include any combination graphs, images and tables
  • Graphs and images should be in an acceptable resolution range (at least 300 dpi).
  • Tables should be formulated in MS Word and not in an image format.
  • Figures and tables should be incorporated into the text


  • Use the form of references adopted by the US National Library of Medicine and the Index Medicus. Use the style of the examples cited at the end of this section.
  • The citation and bibliographical style of all reference sources (book, chapter in a book, journal articles and internet) should adhere to the Vancouver citation style and must supplement with a digital object identifier (DOI). The reference can be cited without a DOI if it does not have a DOI.
  • If you use reference managing software such as EndNote, Mendeley or RefWorks, you may opt for the “Springer Vancouver” style for reference formatting.
  • References in text, table and legends should be numbered in brackets (e.g. [1], [1, 4], [1-3] and [1, 3-5]) and cited consecutively in the order of appearance in the manuscript.

Kindly refer to the template of extended abstract here (Template).

The complete author guidelines could be accessed here (Author Guidelines).

For the presenter non proceedings, kindly refer to the template abstract here (Template).

For oral presenter, kindly refer to the guidelines here (Instructions for oral presentation).

For poster presenter, kindly refer to the guidelines here (Instruction for E-poster).

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