Author's Guidelines
- Authors should register first to submit extended abstract and full paper to the following link
- The extended abstract must be written in British English language
- The submitted manuscript must adhere to the guidelines and formatting established
- Manuscripts that do not comply with the formatting will be returned to the author for correction
- The full term for which an abbreviation or acronym stands should precede its first use unless it is a standard use or unit of measurement
- The Turnitin should not exceed 20% (primary resources max. 2%).
Extended abstract
Extended abstract will be published in Malaysian Journal on Medicine and Health Sciences.
- Please kindly refer to the template of extended abstract here (Template).
- For complete author guidelines of extended abstract could be accessed here (Author Guidelines).
Full Manuscript
Full manuscript will be published in Bio Web of Conferences.
- Please kindly refer to the template of full manuscript here (Template Bio Web of Conferences).
- For sample of the full manuscript could be accessed here (
For the presenter non proceedings, kindly refer to the template abstract here (Template).
For oral presenter, kindly refer to the guidelines here (Instructions for oral presentation).
For poster presenter, kindly refer to the guidelines here (Instruction for E-poster).
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